these are the timesdirty beloved


Dort stehen viele schöne Villen.

Cânion de Itaimbezinho

The Bomfim's washing
Lita Cerqueira

The word Samba, in Portuguese, was derived
from semba, a word common to many West
African bantu languages. To the African slaves
brought to Brazil during the 17th, 18th, and
19th centuries, the word had a variety of
meanings. It meant to pray, or invoke the
spirits of the ancestors, or the Gods of
African pantheon. As a noun, it could mean
a complaint, a cry, or something like "the blues".
In Brazil, Samba is a woman with the same
function of an ekedi nagô in the banto's temples:
A sacred dancer, iaô, the daughter of the saint.
In Brazil also, the African slaves called samba a
religious ceremony characterized by the rhythm
and choreography of the batuque.
(Batuque: the act of "batucar"; to make some
kind of rhythm using any kind of instrument or
object, and also a Rio's version of martial art "capoeira").
The Jongo, a variant of the Samba, until today is considered a religious dance.

A pioneer of Samba, Angenor de Oliveira, was quoted as saying "In my childhood,
we played the Samba in the backyards of the old ladies, whom we call "tias" (aunts),
and the police stopped us often, because the Samba, then, was considered a "thing"
of bums and bandits."
Unfortunately, until today in Brazil if a "white" person dedicate himself
to the samba art form, he is considered an intellectual, or eccentric,
but if an African descendent does the same, he is seeing like somebody who
does not want to get a job, or something in that level.

A history of the Samba

Nenéu Liberalquino:
His great desire of self expression through
the art of music, made him overcame his physical
limitations. His playing differs from the traditional ways
of playing the guitar, since he plays the instrument on the
horizontal, and use all five fingers of the left hand.
By doing that, Nenéu is able to play 5 and 6 notes' chords,
creating very unique harmonic results in the instrument.


photographs and text describing of twenty out of
more than 500 documented cases of torture in Brazil when the
Military ruled the country between 1964 and 1980.
20 Exemplary Cases

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