these are the timesdirty beloved


Max Roach links:

Darcy James Argue's Secret Society: Dr. Free-Zee
» Blog Archive » “YOU CAN’T WRITE THE SAME BOOK TWICE”: Max Roach (1924-2007)
The Rawking Refuses To Stop! :: When I said I wanted to be your blog
Locust St.
ANABlog: RIP, Max
DO THE MATH: Max Roach (1924-2007)
Darcy James Argue's Secret Society: RIP Max Roach
exhumed ephemera

links fixed:

Jake Baddeley
via Ten Dreams, whose gallery pages don't link out
The Creatrix
Mark Ryden at Beinart

"You are here to fix the price of the marriage bed!" roared Associate Defense Attorney John Graham, in a speech so packed with quotations from Othello, Judaic history and Roman law that it lasted two days and later appeared as a book.
quoted in bio of Teresa Bagioli at Wikipedia
via bio of Daniel Sickles, ibid.
via bio of Antonio Bagioli, ibid.


World Clock
All jenen, denen die Welt morgens noch nicht grau und triest genug erscheint kann ich nur wärmstens World Clock emphelen.
via Schienriese



...ambitious robin keeps his shrewd ear low,
and hears the dew

vanish, the shade
steal, the cat
mouse, the grass
cover the worm.
The crow hears lies, lies, lies, and cries
out curses. Nighthawk hears the crow's
lyrical soul.
The mockingbird hears comedy
in all this.
The dove hears pain...
Jenny Mueller
Verse Daily

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