these are the timesdirty beloved


Victor Brauner The Surrealist, painted in 1947
Acolo, sometimes misread as "Agolo" because of the unusual serif Brauner appended to the "c" in the lower left corner of the painting, was completed in November 1949; it is the second in a series of three similar works completed in November and December of that year. Acolo is a Romanian term and is translated as 'there'. The first and third versions are entitled La-bas (Over There or Yonder). Each of the three female images is in left profile with a prominent eye, and each is characterized by a gravid uterus with a distinctive fetus. A dog is attached to the figure's head, a fish to its back. A scepter-like object in the figure's right hand is variously a serpent, a double trident, or, as in Acolo, an acanthus.
other works by Victor Brauner, here, here and here, here, here, also here, which is from here, and here is a trove of Victor Brauner most especially 'Mimétisme antropomorphe de la conscience collective'
His work was in the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfson, which is being offered for sale through Richard Gray Gallery, previously blinked on this site.
After breaking away from Surrealism in 1948, the artist developed an increasingly personal style. He devoted himself to passionate introspection and borrowed both from primitive art and occult science to express universal archetypes: “ My painting is autobiographical, it tells the story of my life. And my life is exemplary because it is universal."

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