Let us consider Daniil Kharms, the Russian writer often described as an absurdist, largely unpublished in his lifetime except for his children’s books, who starved to death in the psychiatric ward of a Soviet hospital during the siege of Leningrad, having been put there by the Stalinist government for, among other reasons, his general strangeness.Daniil Karms via George Saunders and the NYT
still here 17:01
Eye Contact
...which, unlike bees,Craig Morgan Teicher
watch over us with their swan-like
necks and open their eyes at the right time
What's so great about the way the papers
blow through alleyways in the evening
like deflated rats? As if pride...
Verse Daily
still here 06:29
"...lamps, clothing, a bone-china teacup and saucer, hundreds of photos, her nursing diploma, citizenship papers and a pair of ice skates. Suffering from TB herself, and stressed over a series of illnesses and deaths among her loved ones, she was brought to Willard in 1941 without ever having seen a psychiatrist on the basis of complaints that she 'annoys people' and felt persecuted. On her way to the ward Margaret, 48, said she felt 'like a fly in a spider web.' She died there 32 years later."Tales from the attic at the Willard Psychiatric Center in Romulus, N.Y. in the NYT
still here 23:39
the storyteller will be there, for it is our imaginations which shape us, keep us, create us - for good and for ill. It is our stories that will recreate us, when we are torn, hurt, even destroyed
still here 19:15
*Portrait photographs 1920-1930, LoC:
Adolf Hitler leaving Landsberg imprisonment on December 20, 1924
Jack Johnson 1928
Jack Dempsey 1922
Duke Kahanamoku 1928
Rockwell Kent 1929
Josephine Lucchese, colorature soprano 1926
Stereograph of man with device designed for flying
Tina Modotti
Edward Weston 1923
Erich Maria Remarque 1929
*Zelda Fitzgerald 1928
image links fixed
Clara Bow 1929
Dancer, Harlem, 1925
J. Van DerZee
Edward Weston and Marguerite, 1922
Imogen Cunningham
Dorothy Davenport Reid 1923
Dorothy Davenport at wikipedia
Sioux veterans of the Battle of Little Big Horn on battleground 1926
John Burroughs 1921
Lillian Gish 1922
Klamath woman 1923
Edward Curtis
still here 02:18
...it’s a soundproof booth, and the inside of it is kind of this sacred space. When you go inside, you close the door. You’re in Grand Central terminal, and it’s completely silent. The lights are low. And you sit across from, say, your grandmother for forty minutes, and you talk. And most people ask the big life questions, like “What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?” or “How do you want to be remembered?” “What did your mom sing to you when you were a kid?”StoryCorps at Democracy Now!
And then, at the end of forty minutes, two CDs have been burned. One goes home with you, and the other stays with us and goes to the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress to become part of an oral history of America.
still here 20:10
Colleen Moore
Billy Rose Theatre Collection photograph file
Alexander the Conjurer and Harry Houdini
Barrymore family
Georgia Drew Barrymore
Georgia Drew Barrymore
John Barrymore
Lionel Barrymore
Julia Marlowe
Julia Marlowe by Arnold Genthe
Miss Edna May
Miss Edna May
Miss Edna May 1897 Casino Theatre
Lan Fang Mei
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Helena Modjeska
Helena Modjeska 1901
Frankie Rice
The book thief:
Hyman Phillips alias Thomas Carron
still here 23:51
Blasphemers, using, in both instances, bears:
Wong/Crackedoriginating path link McLemee/CT
still here 12:17
Tread-softly (Cnidoscolus stimulosus)
...I can't swim,Sarah Hannah
So I'll just walk: bramble, spike,
And blame, without a single quenching
Drop of dew. Not a field — a ravine —
I mean a raving: You.
Verse Daily
still here 22:30
still here 19:18
"All of the believers are shown to be cruel, horrible men who do things such as kidnap children and murder people," McCaffrey said. "They perform torture on a mass scale - all to keep everybody oppressed and under this fake God."CNSNews article on Catholic boycott of Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass, in which Pullman's quoted out of context in order to make him appear basically Satanic, basically.
Philip Pullman's website:
His Dark Materials seems to be against organised religion. Do you believe in God?
I don't know whether there's a God or not. Nobody does, no matter what they say. I think it's perfectly possible to explain how the universe came about without bringing God into it, but I don't know everything, and there may well be a God somewhere, hiding away.
Actually, if he is keeping out of sight, it's because he's ashamed of his followers and all the cruelty and ignorance they're responsible for promoting in his name. If I were him, I'd want nothing to do with them.
still here 21:57
The whole realm of staged (to whatever extent), yet true photography, which commonly is perceived as "pictures from the real", is manipulated to some extent even without the extensive use of Photoshop: think of Justine Kurland, Taryn Simon, Jeff Wall, Gregory Crewdson, most of all view camera portraiture and so on. Even composing an image from various photographs taken in different locations is not really new – although it has become easier with digital tools. Coming back to US orthodoxy, maybe, for example, Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand were perceived as being not so manipulative. But how does that orthodoxy work with, say, Richard Avedon, or Duane Michals?A Conversation with Kai-Olaf Hesse
Having said this, I think this is a hollow debate. Whereas I myself prefer to work in the realm of "straight" photography – meaning not to photograph or manipulate digitally – I think it doesn't really matter if you do it or not. As long as the final image is good and not self-indulging the technical process ("how the hell is it done?"), I think the new tools just add to the possibilities of photography as a medium.
Jörg Colberg/Conscientious
still here 20:37
Because ultra high energy cosmic rays are so rare and because their extrapolated directions are so imprecise, no progenitor objects have ever been unambiguously implied. New results from Auger, however, indicate
still here 17:41
The Nomoi
...I came to my own door. I found my wayD. Nurkse
from room to room in darkness,
drawing the bolts as they existed
in my mind, triangulating the threshold
from the distance between my hands.
I found my love asleep
and now I lie beside her, touching her hair
cautiously, explaining...
Poetry Daily
"through the roots of the great chords"
A thrilling poem, astonishing.
still here 22:28
If You Should Care For Me
mmmmmmmmmm...mix a brew of horseLacy Schutz
manure, of menstrual blood and soil dug from
a dead love's grave.
mmmmmmmmm The moths flew from their mouths.
We heard them say you too shall one day be
like us.
Verse Daily
still here 12:46
Mr. E.H. Maxwell, inventor, displaying his lynx-eyed fire ferret, a fire extinguisher, at the National Safety Congress, in the Stevens Hotel, Chicago, IllinoisThe Library of Congress Digital Catalog search engine is down, or missing, or broken or something, so I have no idea what, or when, this is.
still here 01:39
He wasn't Egypt's most powerful or important king, but his staggering treasures, rumors of a mysterious curse that plagued Carter and his team — debunked by experts long ago...
Those would be "experts" in mysterious curses. Busy guys these days.
still here 15:21
Dolly Parton wrote "I Will Always Love You" for Porter Wagoner.
Porter Wagoner wrote "A Satisfied Mind" and "Albert Erving", among many other fine songs.
Mr. Wagoner riled country traditionalists in 1979 by inviting James Brown, the ”Godfather of Soul,” to the Opry.
still here 18:13
Although the Iraqi Muslim scientist Ibn al-Haitham was the first to experiment with camera obscura, Shen Kuo was the first to apply geometrical and quantitative attributes to the camera obscura, just several decades after Ibn al-Haitham's death. Using a fitting metaphor, Shen compared optical image inversion to an oarlock and waisted drum.
still here 22:04
I first saw Kitaj's "Where The Railroad Leaves The Sea" in 1976 and it knocked my socks off.
via wood s lot
still here 19:03
...of an ancient lordly time, depositedAlbert Goldbarth at Poetry Daily
under the bleachers like leftover lumber and puzzling
for all of these years at the alien rituals of crush and cheer
and of treasure beyond any hieroglyphic...
still here 02:27
All that We Own
Kananginak Pootoogook
Cape Dorset ,1975
Prints of the Nanisiniq Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit
Houston North Gallery
still here 23:20
Most Popular Baby Boy Name this century:JacobThis biblical boys name comes from Genesis 25. Abraham had a son Isaac. Isaac and his wife rebekah had twins. They named the first baby boy Esau and the second baby boy was named Jacob. He was to go on an become the father of the Jewish nation. Not unusual but still a good name!
[...]Names in religious thought
Names are attributed added significance in traditional Jewish sources.
Biblical names
In the Old Testament, we find that names of individuals are meaningful. Adam is named after the "earth" (Adama) from which he was created. (Genesis 2)
A change of name indicates a change of status. For example, the patriarch "Abram" is renamed "Abraham" before he is blessed with children. His wife, "Sarai" is similarly renamed "Sarah." (Genesis 17)
Talmudic attitudes
The Babylonian Talmud maintains that names exert an influence over their bearers:
From where do we know that a name has a causal effect ("shama garim"). Says Rabbi Elazar: the verse says, (Psalms 46:9) "Go see the works of God, who puts desolation (shamot) in the earth." Read not "desolation" but "names" (shemot).
The Unusual Baby Boy Names Site
Unique, Unusual and Biblical Baby Names
link via boynton
still here 10:35
Paste Magazine has it all including for now
a stream of Lee Ann Rimes' powerful new record, Family
still here 21:47
Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Carole King has accepted an invitation to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands at a hearing on the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA) H.R.1975 in Washington, DC October 18, 2007.
still here 20:15
The Anta Project
an enhanced sound collage compiled from covert performances utilizing modified chop sticks and a cello bow to play the steel wall, barbed wire fences and assorted ephemera that separates the United States from Mexico in the Sonoran Desert.
still here 20:39
Agent Orange:
American veterans sued seven of the producing firms (a.o. Dow Chemicals), and the parties finally agreed on a compensation payment of 180 million $ US (of which 100 million went to the lawyers).Jan Banning
still here 19:10
Sophie hunger - Ne me quitte pas
at blogothèque: les concerts à emporter!
via Andrew Bird
via Amoeba:
Patti Smith
Tegan and Sara
Richard Thompson
still here 02:26
"Dad's Gonna Kill Me"
Richard Thompson bows to the Amazon gods, then sings a most aptly driven contemporary topical song with a pointedly barbed and meaningful title.
RT on Huffington in February 07
still here 23:51
still here 14:34
Marcel Marceau had the only speaking part in Mel Brooks' "Silent Movie", the single word "Non".
still here 23:02
Stag Beetle
...hatch and sipKaren Harryman
sweet juices of rotting oak,
willow, apple, and cherry...
Verse Daily
still here 21:10
Tongun vidéo d'animation tres amusant de l'Ecole Supérieur des Métiers Artistiques
found at Daily Motion via Madame Martin
via la main gauche
still here 22:38
part of a survey of the architecture of informal settlements in Metro Manilaurban landscapes - neal oshima
via wood s lot
still here 22:16
Two monks with telescope at the astronomical observatory at S. Domingo, Lima, Peru (detail, image now links out)
-Then said the shepherds one to another, let us here show the pilgrims the gates of the celestial city, if they have skill to look through our prospective glass
South lawn, U.S. Naval Observatory, Spring 1874. Transit of Venus teams (image)
still here 22:08
wikipedia on William Dunbar:
Dunbar has the curious distinction of having been responsible for the first printed use of the word "fuck"wikiipedia Robert Henryson
via Seamus Heaney interview
still here 00:00
still here 21:36
Tarantella Calabrese-youtube
somehow followed from Ditty Bops-you tube
which followed directly from SmudgeofAshenFluff
still here 20:42
New Garden
Walk away, he said, and do not scream.Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers
And I was twenty, home in the spring,
when I saw my first,
coiled by the tiger lilies...
Poetry Daily
still here 13:11
"It's a nice story but there's nothing underneath it. I don't want to be bothered with stuff where there's nothing underneath."Madeleine L'Engle, who has just died at the age of 88, on Harry Potter.
still here 17:36
Jesse James (III)"If I admitted that those stories were true, people would say, 'There's the greatest scoundrel unhung,' and if I denied 'em they'd say, 'There's the greatest liar on earth," so I just say nothing"Frank James
The Ballad Index
still here 19:33
Film production crew with large fans producing windstorm scene on the set of "The Grape of Wrath"[sic] 1939 or 1940 (detail)
still here 18:04
"As one of the first dissection animals experienced in comparative anatomy laboratory, fetal or embryonic pigs are very well studied because their development and organ systems reasonably parallel human development."
still here 03:43
define:mantelUpwardly mobile
A climbing move which looks like a small child climbing up to the kitchen counter. Hand(s) are on ledge, one foot comes up, as you rock over one hand with your elbow locked.
Climbing trees, and reading about them, is back in fashion.
still here 21:23
"Since you have caught cold." Miss Mousey said,
mmmmmmHeigho, says Rowley!
"I'll sing you a song that I have just made,"
mmmmmmWith a rowley-powley, gammon and spinach,
mmmmmmmmmHeigho, says Anthony Rowley!

Willie Holy Frog, Knas-ka-wakanA Group of Children
out for a Ride with Their Teachers
on the Swan Boats on Frog Pond
Holy Frog(left) and Big Turnips
Little Old Man of The Woods
Gradation de la tá́ete de grenouille jusqu'au profil D'Apollon
Frog's Head Rock
Kabuki Frogs
Mammalian egg compared with eggs of such lower animals as a lizard, a frog, and crab
"Since you have caught cold..."
Optical illusion disc with man and frog

metallic apparatus used
to measure what was thought to be
electricity flowing in animals (detail)
still here 21:21
Tripwire is a site-specific installation responding to the unique relationship between the Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport and downtown San Jose, CA. Custom-built sensors hidden inside coconuts are hung from trees at several public locations to monitor noise produced by overflying aircraft. Detection of excessive aircraft noise triggers automated telephone calls to the airport's complaint line on behalf of the city's residents and wildlife. Documentation of noise incidents is archived for later analysis.
still here 20:31
[Many things about the story are puzzling.]
...we need lightKate Greenstreet
inside the body.
Her necklace is sparkling, see?
See the sparkle lines?
Wood into gold, "this diamond, this
Verse Daily
still here 17:44
...and score the slips, on book, flash-lit, withinMichael Quattrone
the quiet pitch of the wings. Your speeches all
are memorized. All things are not just things...
Verse Daily
still here 22:40
into that unmapped country:
It is much more true, however partial and unsatisfactory, to say that the book concerns a hybrid experience of timefrom Luc Sante's warm friendly and respectful January 11, 2007 review of Against The Day in the NYRB
still here 20:31
Max Roach links:
Darcy James Argue's Secret Society: Dr. Free-Zee3quarksdaily » Blog Archive » “YOU CAN’T WRITE THE SAME BOOK TWICE”: Max Roach (1924-2007) The Rawking Refuses To Stop! :: When I said I wanted to be your blog Locust St. ANABlog: RIP, Max DO THE MATH: Max Roach (1924-2007) Darcy James Argue's Secret Society: RIP Max Roach exhumed ephemera
still here 15:31
links fixed:
ConceptionJake Baddeley
via Ten Dreams, whose gallery pages don't link out
The CreatrixMark Ryden at Beinart
still here 14:11
"You are here to fix the price of the marriage bed!" roared Associate Defense Attorney John Graham, in a speech so packed with quotations from Othello, Judaic history and Roman law that it lasted two days and later appeared as a book.quoted in bio of Teresa Bagioli at Wikipedia
via bio of Daniel Sickles, ibid.
via bio of Antonio Bagioli, ibid.
still here 13:53
World Clock
All jenen, denen die Welt morgens noch nicht grau und triest genug erscheint kann ich nur wärmstens World Clock emphelen.
via Schienriese
still here 00:27
...ambitious robin keeps his shrewd ear low,Jenny Mueller
and hears the dew
vanish, the shade
steal, the cat
mouse, the grass
cover the worm.
The crow hears lies, lies, lies, and cries
out curses. Nighthawk hears the crow's
lyrical soul.
The mockingbird hears comedy
in all this.
The dove hears pain...
Verse Daily
still here 00:54
Princess Rajah performs an "Oriental" or belly dance, and a balancing chair act in her teeth like that often found in folk performances in various cultures from Northern Africa to Greece.
Neil Young busking at Glasgow Central Railway Station, Scotland, 1976.
still here 22:09
Laurie Simmons:
The Music of Regret (Meryl)at Sperone Westwater
The Music of Regret IV
Momus has a cleanly rendered anti-HelmutNewton piece up
Part 1 in a series on suicide by me
still here 17:46
Bo Diddley, mp3s
and a transcendant video clip from the Ed Sullivan show in 1955
at the hard-working boogie-woogie flu
still here 02:41
Nothing in the Times would even suggest, naturally, that Theresa Duncan had been, or felt she had been, and testified to having been, testified that she had been harassed and intimidated by a dangerous and very powerful man who was conscienceless. There's nothing to suggest anything other than the superficial story as delivered in the news available - she left a note, he left a note, they're gone.
But in loyalty to what she was and did here, in this big after-school hang-out where we knew each other as similar creatures, it needs to be brought forward.
She was funny and cute and harsh and intimidating in a big-city way. Now she's gone.
This was for her.
still here 18:34
7 Means of Movement at Locust St.
music, explication, images, anecdotes, erudite, ongoing
still here 23:44
mmmThe world belongs to those who take itAnna Dickinson at josephhaworth.com
Anna Elizabeth Dickinson
As a result of her extraordinary efforts she was nicknamed the "Joan of Arc" of the Union cause and honored with having been the only woman up to that time to be invited to speak before Congress where President and Mrs. Lincoln were in attendance.
After the Civil War she fought for voting rights, but unlike Elizabeth Stanton and Susan B. Anthony who devoted their energies in support of women’s rights, Anna sided with suffrage for African American men. At the height of her lecturing career she made as much as $20,000 a year, more than Mark Twain was getting at the time.
After she was ridiculed for her appearance as Hamlet, Dickinson retired from the stage.
In 1888, at the invitation of the Republican National Committee she returned to the platform, but her rhetorical gifts had diminished and she proved an embarrassment. Rumors of mental illness followed and as her behavior grew more erratic her sister pushed to have her committed to an insane asylum in Danville, PA.
still here 16:53
Harry and Beatrice Houdini with Sarah Bernhardt 1917Houdini had just finished escaping from a strait-jacket while hanging by his feet sixty feet in the air.
still here 21:44
Origen's full name was apparently Ōrigenēs Adamantios (Ὠριγενης Ἀδαμαντιος), with Adamantios, his nickname, meaning 'untameable' (the word ἀδαμας, adamas, means 'that cannot be tamed').
still here 08:49
I could have done this, I suppose I could still be doing it. Except I have a thing that pesters me when I do duplicitous stuff, and seems to be related to the creative impulse, denying access when I come toward it with venal airs.
This egregious site is called Picture History, and it's another bullshit strip-mining enterprise masquerading as a compendium of hard-found proprietary images kept and shared by custodially responsible collectors. As opposed to a little festering clot of greed-crazed chancers.
First check was American Indian Woman Leading Donkeys
by Theodor Horydczak
Query LoC for "Theodor Horydczak indian"
and there you go.
P. History says:
If you would like an image at a higher resolution, please email us your request at picture@picturehistory.com (be sure to include item number). Custom requests may take up to two weeks to be fulfilled and require an additional charge.The semi-literate presentation seems right out of Shorpyland.
I'm not sure what the outrage is, except that it's connected to the warm love and admiration running around in the LoC's P&P image files has created in me. It's a violation of where that love originates, the work involved in getting the images there and keeping them available.
It's pimpish, thuggish in a mercantile way, and its long-term effects are toxic though that's hard to pinpoint in the short run and after foundering on the blasé attitude of most everyone else I hesitate to even mention it. But like misused apostrophes, only more so, it bothers me.
still here 20:29
The High Rollers Extravaganza Co.
Courier Litho 1899
Theatrical Poster Collection
Commencing Chorus Girls at the Library of Congress, an ongoing feature
still here 11:51
A woman monarch who called herself a pharaoh, dressed like a man and also wore a false beard, Hatshepsut ruled more than 3,000 years ago, wielding more power than two other women of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra and Nefertiti. The mummy identified as Hatshepsut shows an obese woman, who died in her 50s, and probably had diabetes and liver cancer, Dr Hawass said. Her left hand is positioned against her chest, a sign of royalty in ancient Egypt.GuardianUK
via Wikipedia
still here 18:54
June 26:
David Byrne's currently observing "National Day of Silence"
to protest net radio royalty fee hike.
still here 00:34
Red Cloud
Tatanka Ptieela (Short Bull)
June 20 1900
The Temple of Heaven where the Emperor worships at the solstices
Suffragettes, 6/2/20
Mobility keynotes modern warfare
Eric Sevareid (left) receives flowers from Italian peasant as fellow journalist, Newbold Noyes, looks on.
June 20, 1944
still here 23:20
Mrs. Whiffen, Mary Carroll, Ada May
Ada Jones
Ada Williams, Miss Miami 1927
Ada Schilling
I find the enclosed in the writing of Ada T. Stowell. I do not feel sure this is correctly indicated.
E.C. Stowell, Mar. 49
Ada Francke
Bricktop - Ada Smith du Conge Paris 1934
nnnnnPortrait of Bricktop Paris 1934 (fix'd)
Ada Cohen
Ada B. Hicks and C. H. Muncie
Janey's only accomplishment was reading aloud
Ada Clendenin Williamson

Ada Sullivan
Ada Overton Walker New York 1912
Madam Ada Costello
Ada Lopez Richards
Ada Kaleh Iron Gate of the Danube (fix'd)
Ada Griffith apparently under 12 (fix'd)
Ada Babcock
Courthouse, Ada, Okla. (detail)
Burnt out.
This Ada County, Idaho, man and wife had come to the end of a losing battle against the choking drought when the Resettlement Administration came to their aid with a rehabilitation loan.

Ada County, Idaho
still here 20:36
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12/30 - 01/06
- Wind rattled the TV antenna on the roof.Boys with ...
- the chronophaged links in the Sottsass post below:...
- Momus informs us, elegiacally, that Ettore Sottsas...
- Secretly Canadian
- good, healthy, vegetarian food on very little cash...
- Death, online, at Yale-via Madame Martin
- The people who lived on St Kilda had their own cul...
- From Where I Stand: California's river mouthsmarkh...
- James Ravilious-John Berger and Jean Mohr
- A lahar-Small lahars could suddenly descend the To...
- ► 12/23 - 12/30 (4)
- ► 12/16 - 12/23 (5)
12/09 - 12/16
- "Safety first" is the motto of Miss Mary Jayne of ...
- A mud hut, but full of books.the storyteller will ...
- The Universe Nearby:Sloan Great Wall wkpdSGW APOD
- *Portrait photographs 1920-1930, LoC:Adolf Hitler ...
- Man Ray, Mina Loy, Tristan Tzara, Jean Cocteau, Ez...
- Exclusive debutantes in silhouette
- ► 12/02 - 12/09 (7)
- ► 11/25 - 12/02 (2)
- ► 11/18 - 11/25 (2)
11/11 - 11/18
- New Hitherby-Sylvia Townsend Warner
- Margot Fonteyn and Michael Somes 1940
- "SWOON is not me. I’m not Swoon."
- No title
- Here's Jason Kottke's putrid little "Shorpy" writ ...
- The whole realm of staged (to whatever extent), ye...
- Chipmunk Squirrel Costume Party Jason Bredle Vers...
- Because ultra high energy cosmic rays are so rare ...
- Woman in aeroplane ready for swimming-Herr Oscar I...
- ► 11/04 - 11/11 (4)
- ► 10/28 - 11/04 (5)
- ► 10/21 - 10/28 (8)
10/14 - 10/21
- Five Typical NativesFive men in three blanket boat...
- Man cranking auto with five women, in front of The...
- Five peasant women standing outside of log house
- Five men, in observation room of eye institute
- [5] Apache Indians, Tucson, Arizona
- Five football players
- eternity, step by step:not all quantum-mechanical ...
- 26. untitled (igloo floorplans)Shuvinai Ashoona: ...
- All that We OwnKananginak PootoogookCape Dorset ,1...
- 3 Ajaw
- Most Popular Baby Boy Name this century:JacobThis ...
- gazedesiree dolron
- Russian animation documentary-Animatsiya in Englis...
- ► 10/07 - 10/14 (4)
09/30 - 10/07
- Isolated Building Studiesvia things
- Bryan Finoki on Glenn Weynant, Anta Project barrie...
- The Anta Project an enhanced sound collage compile...
- Agent Orange:American veterans sued seven of the ...
- Thank you mall.
- David Byrne covers "Graceland"
- Photographic Tour of the USA by Trucker Mike: Buil...
- Pascal ComeladePascal ComeladePascal Comelade
- Sophie hunger - Ne me quitte pasat blogothèque: le...
- soviet lifevia Vorontsova-Jurjevavia English Russi...
- "Dad's Gonna Kill Me"Richard Thompson bows to the ...
- "...described the living space as little more than...
- Tutulemma from Side
- scientific equipment and peculiar substances
- Another amazing hole at Damn Interesting
09/23 - 09/30
- 7 amazing holes
- Portsmouth Square, San Francisco 1851
- It doesn't matter.via RW
- Julie Heffernan versus Hannah Primrose, Countess o...
- One Week's DeadBinh Danh at Light Workvia Asian Ph...
- A Hole in Mars
- Human ThingThe Be Good Tanyas
- Shooting stars hear coyotes Sue Coe - Graphic Witn...
- Marcel Marceau had the only speaking part in Mel B...
- in the quiet Dilkusha area of Lucknow
- their small, still relative.
- ► 09/16 - 09/23 (4)
09/09 - 09/16
- Diamanda Galas - Judgment DayDiamanda Galas home
- Two monks with telescope at the astronomical obser...
- Skeleton Automaton on the Astronomical Clock (link...
- wikipedia on William Dunbar:Dunbar has the curious...
- sacred and profane beauty:SirinSirineCyrine Abdeln...
- Tarantella Calabrese-youtubesomehow followed from ...
- reserved for the damnedvia
- Lace Fencevia
09/02 - 09/09
- New GardenWalk away, he said, and do not scream.An...
- "It's a nice story but there's nothing underneath ...
- Res Est Sacra Miser
- TELEVISION Ma JunL.A.Galerievia Vitro Nasu
- floordrobe n. A pile of discarded clothes on the f...
- "If I admitted that those stories were true, peopl...
- "Cigarettes and food was all you thought about."Pr...
- Film production crew with large fans producing win...
- Meanwhile, back in the jungle
- "As one of the first dissection animals experience...
- ...out of a potato and some beans...
- "...bequeathed to me when they went back to Japan"...
- “Soy un amigo de Allen Ginsberg”
- define:mantelA climbing move which looks like a sm...
08/26 - 09/02
- A cow and 2 frogs-"Since you have caught cold." Mi...
- Tripwire is a site-specific installation respondin...
- The arsonist of Black Rock City speaks
- flying pancake
- something new hereSeam Carving for Content-Based I...
- After performing the complicated rituals from his ...
- Margaret Atwood’s amazing “Long Pen”in actionin Ed...
- ...there, like the syntax, to draw attention to th...
- [Many things about the story are puzzling.] ...we ...
- Here is an example! < twin-cities sidewalks < bldb...
- ► 08/19 - 08/26 (7)
- ► 08/12 - 08/19 (5)
- ► 08/05 - 08/12 (2)
- ► 07/29 - 08/05 (2)
- ► 07/22 - 07/29 (3)
07/08 - 07/15
- No title
- Mr. Lee - Photo Tourvia peaceful bean
- Pedernales River chili-the Highway Beautification ...
- 7 Means of Movement at Locust St.music, explicatio...
- Bob Dylan has 86934 friends
- mmmThe world belongs to those who take itAnna Eliz...
- Isle of Graia Gulf of Akabah Arabia Petraea Feby 2...
- The Tiger Lilies - My Dear Alphonso
- Stuart (the male Patti) in the new 1492
- Dick...In The Flesh!
- St. Paul's Cathedral (the incoming tide)J. Alphege...
- Harry and Beatrice Houdini with Sarah Bernhardt 19...
- Alex Gross at Merry Karnowsky-The Art of Alex Gross
- 2 billion Chinese mice
- Origen's full name was apparently Ōrigenēs Adamant...
- ► 07/01 - 07/08 (7)
06/24 - 07/01
- The High Rollers Extravaganza Co.Courier Litho 189...
- Survivors of electric shock are also welcome in Pi...
- vvvvvvvvvvvvLand endswith miles of aloe along the ...
- Mummy!A woman monarch who called herself a pharaoh...
- June 26:David Byrne's currently observing "Nationa...
- Main artifacts of the Ordos people, as displayed i...
- The International Space Station Expands Again
- Inferred but not felt by a mind that has leftItsel...
06/17 - 06/24
- The closest I can come to describing it is to say ...
- Largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on...
- The evidence...
- The worship of Bacchus, or, the drinking customs o...
- -Red CloudTatanka Ptieela (Short Bull)June 20 1900...
- Love on rose-colored wings Rosa Ponselle
- Marg. Vale, Constance Binney, Mrs. Whiffen, Mary C...
- ► 06/10 - 06/17 (4)
- ► 06/03 - 06/10 (13)
- ► 05/27 - 06/03 (21)
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12/30 - 01/06
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