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nimptopsical [nim-tops-ih-kul]

drunk. This word is one of more than 200 synonyms for ‘drunk’ compiled by Benjamin Franklin; some of the others included cherry-merry, lappy, and “been too free with Sir Richard.”
myomancy [mye-uh-man-see]: divination by the movements of mice. Modern scientists probably study the movements of mice as much or more than the ancient myomancers did, and for ends that are not dissimilar

snollygoster [snah-lee-gahs-ter]: a dishonest politician

spanghew [spang-hyoo]; to cause a frog or toad to fly into the air.

chamade [shuh-mahd]: a signal inviting someone to a parley (usually a drumbeat or a trumpet sounding). Now perhaps useful to those who carry beepers. "Sorry, have to go, it's a chamade."

Vofuhreffekt [vor-fyur-ef-ket]: a German word, literally 'presentation effect' which describes a problem, usually with a computer, that doesn't happen when other people try to replicate it (such as, say, the Help Desk guy you called for).
Erin's Weird and Wonderful Word of the Day

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