these are the timesdirty beloved


"Wareas, Bein in the magority we kin do ez we please, and ez the
nigger aint no vote he kant help hisself, therefore be it"

On Negro Emigration
Petroleum V. Nasby (1864)
The Nasby Papers
UVa Library

Petroleum V. Nasby (David Ross Locke)

"...a type of the backwoods preacher, reformer, workingman, postmaster, and chronic office-seeker, remarkable for his unswerving fidelity to the simple principles of personal and political selfishness. To him the luxuries of life are a place under the government, a glass of whiskey, a clean shirt, and a dollar bill..."
Early Humorists
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
"The Cheapest and Best Newspaper in the United States"

Josh Billings, Mark Twain, and Petroleum V. Nasby

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