these are the timesdirty beloved


photo:Nouvel Observateur(Sipa) 21.Mai
Le Grande Elephantto


A short introduction

A sense of dissatisfaction with the existing theatre tradition in France drove Jean-Luc Courcoult together with several friends to found Royal de Luxe in the Aix-en-Provence area in 1979. With this company he puts on shows in places that are freely accessible to everyone, drawing inspiration from medieval pageant-plays, from commedia dell’arte and from large-scale Asian processions.
Courcoult wants to move the spectator with stories. So as to address as many people as possible with his performances, he attunes these stories to the imagination of children. By giving his productions several layers of meaning, he avoids too much simplicity, of which people tend to tire very quickly.
Characterized as they are by unexpected and powerful images, Royal de Luxe’s shows have a performance-like feel. The company once installed a gigantic metal fork in a car and then proceeded to drive round the city in that impaled vehicle. Then at night they sawed another car in two and welded the two parts together with a tree in the middle. Passers-by wondered the next day if the tree had actually grown through the car. This border area between fantasy and reality is reminiscent of Luis Buñuel. Such productions make people dream. And that is exactly what Courcoult wants, because he is convinced that people who cannot dream become suspicious and intolerant.

Wilfried Eetezonne
/Vlaams Theater Insitituut
Imposante stature!
Les chasseurs des Girafes
Il était une fois la ballade des géants
la rencontre du Petit Géant et d'une girafe elle aussi géante, arrivée à Nantes par la voie des airs ...
et un autre d'une girafe
the grasshopper, whose head is made of a thermic engine
Hugues Allart
interview de Jean Luc Courcoult, metteur en scène de Royal de Luxe
Le Manège Magique
Royal de Luxe à Créteil
au revoir aux deux girafes et au petit géant
Karen Maldonado!

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