these are the timesdirty beloved


The Trial of Margaret Clap
Then they'd hug, and play, and toy, and go out by Couples into another Room on the same Floor, to be marry'd, as they call'd it. The Door of that Room was kept by —— Eccleston, who used to stand pimp for 'em to prevent any Body from disturbing them in their Diversions. When they came out, they used to brag, in plain Terms, of what they had been doing. As for the Prisoner, she was present all the Time, except when she went out to fetch Liquors. There was among them Will Griffin, who has been since hang'd for Sodomy; and —— Derwin, who had been carried before Sir George Mertins* for Sodomitical Practices with a Link-Boy [boy who lights the street lights at night].
Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England
useful links
Claire's Seventeenth-Century

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