these are the timesdirty beloved


"Big Fish":

Maybe we are about to build our way into a great union of souls and minds. Maybe that will be like being a person all together. Maybe that person will need to dream to be whole.
If that's true, I can't think of anyone better to be in charge of that dreaming than Tim Burton.
Big Fish was so full of great acting if it wasn't for Jessica Lange I wouldn't know where to start.
There wasn't a false note in it, anywhere. Including the incidental music. Billy Crudup, so perfectly nuanced and believable if I hadn't seen him in anything else I would have thought he was just a one-note playing on his looks, and Marion Cotillard going from almost jarring normality to the distilled essence of beauty. Helena Bonham Carter was bewitching, lovable, and real. Steve Buscemi's frenetic slapstick turnabout outside the bank, Deep Roy's reluctant gun hand, DeVito's naked back, Matthew McGrory every time so perfect and real, and the two poles of Albert Finney and Alison Lohman holding the entire world in balance.

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