these are the timesdirty beloved


from The Project Gutenberg EBook of 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
by Captain Grose et al.

"...Fib the cove's quarron in the rumpad
for the lour in his bung..."

"The swell was flash, so I could not draw his fogle"

WIPER DRAWER. A pickpocket, one who steals handkerchiefs.
He drew a broad, narrow, cam, or specked wiper;
he picked a pocket of a broad, narrow, cambrick, or coloured

TO WIREDRAW. To lengthen out or extend any book, letter,
or discourse.

WISE. As wise as Waltham's calf, that ran nine miles to
suck a bull.

WISE MEN OF GOTHAM. Gotham is a village in Nottinghamshire;
its magistrates are said to have attempted to
hedge in a cuckow; a bush, called the cuckow's bush, is
still shewn in support of the tradition. A thousand other
ridiculous stories are told of the men of Gotham.

WISEACRE. A foolish conceited fellow.

WISEACRE'S HALL. Gresham college.

WIT. He has as much wit as three folks, two fools and a

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