these are the timesdirty beloved


Ω{Typepad is selling itself for $60 a year; and it seems to have been born afflicted with that highly contagious albinism that's hit so many of the elect lately.
In my lonesome search for identity and community, I must confess, I surrendered a time or two to dreams of acceptance and the right to wear the light-skinned badge of the chosen.
Not that now I think there's anything intrinsically wrong with lots of white space and light green highlights.
I do, though, think it's long past time for the truly democratic potential of the online world to be defended, and the people walking away from the front lines of that defense as fast as they can should not be allowed to do so with impunity.
In this context technical sophistication is like intellectual prowess, and both in turn are like great wealth, an equivalent responsibility attends their reward.}

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