these are the timesdirty beloved


{the irreplaceable dublog linked to an article quoting this company's wet spokes-blanket, Mr. G. Lerg. they've invented a Gatesian snitch vortex, to snare the unwary graffitist. they do other things. it would appear the COB, Mr. A. Devine, invented the HDD as we know it. or something.
he doesn't like graffiti, but then most anal sociopaths don't.
that particular form of mental incompleteness is highly productive in an atomized social context like ours, so it goes unchallenged for the most part. their basic complaint, somewhat simplified, is: they(writers, taggers) deface property, often publicly visible space, that isn't theirs. which is unassailably logical and morally correct, in its own little ahistorical universe.
but the larger questions, such as: how did the present owners obtain that space, how much access or potential for access to other publicly visible space is available for these 'taggers', or 'writers' as they seem to want to call themselves, and who should have charge of that access, these questions are ignored because their truest answers speak directly to the shallowness and inhuman nature of the claims of the property owners. I don't mean shallowness in an artistic sense, or a cultural sense, this isn't about aesthetics, this is about theft and damage and ownership. though aesthetically these champions of the unmarked wall also tip their hand. look at the landscapes they favor, the trees and bushes the lawns and flowers. it's botanical sado-masochism. these are living organisms subjected to the rigid principles of control and domination practiced by bondage fetishists.
but more fundamentally, and in their own court, erstwhile moral actors like Mr. Lerg and Mr. Devine assume a righteous posture they can't maintain without violence and hypocrisy. there isn't one public space in America outside the reservations that doesn't stand on stolen property.
the 'public' inhabits space that is not 'theirs', increasingly, and it harms us all.}

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