these are the timesdirty beloved


from Musing on Some Poets by George Bowering
quoted in full at the inimicable wood's lot :

And I never say out loud to them that my dear old people
Are columns of earth, walk around, sit in chairs,
discard cigarettes and write that's left of poems.
They were low lights between mountains visible
To the evening gaze, they were evaporate mornings,
They are not much but stones in the earth.......


Beginning November 12, 2002,
George Bowering has been appointed
as the first Canadian resident poet to
Parliament Hill for a two year term.
As Wah would say, I like the shift. It is an Olsonian shift if you look at it closely enough. By the sacred we mean things that we have envalued in spiritual terms. No matter how sincere we are, we still place our spiritual needs first. We are likely to remain humanists. We are likely to be at best Wordsworthian priests of nature, with all the egotistical sublime that entails. Olson called it "sprawl."

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