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Collection of the TRT
The TRT undertook trips to Kars, Erzurum, Van, Hakkari, Erzincan, Diyarbakir,Elazig, Urfa, Adana, Bitlis, Mus, Bingol and Siirt during 1961 and recorded melodies for their archives. During 1967-8 teams made recordings in Gaziantep, Burdur, Van,Erzurum, Izmir, Trabzon and Balikesir which are still used in their broadcasts. A one-month trip was also made to Erzurum and Kars, during which special attention was devoted to melodies in the asiklama, atislama and davul zurna class, and examples were recorded. The trip was undertaken by Nida Tufekci, Zihni Dercin and Muzaffer Yonden.
Another organization that has contributed to the research and collection of Turkish folk songs is tha Halkevleri (People's Centres) and their activities are worthy of interest.
Work started by Muzaffer Sarisozen at the Turkish Radio on collection, musical notation and broadcasts of Turkish folk music is still continuing. Today the TRT has a collection in excess of 3000 works.

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