these are the timesdirty beloved


Beth Yarnelle Edwards
Robert Klein Galleries
Karat. Sky over St. Petersburg
Wolfgang Mueller
links Expose
Anthony at Expose says about Mueller's images: "The subject matter is not really my sort of thing so I won't upload a picture here. Worth a look if a little unsettling."

It's street kids in a drain-circling Russian economy, huffing glue and smoking various things. There's hints at sexual acts and knowledge that are way too coy and prim for me. It's like a documentary made by missionaries, from some skewed angle that brings as much sickness as it proposes to heal.
There's no love reaction to the wound.
The first time glue-huffing as an economic by-product caught my attention was in a short story by James N. Robison. Mexican teenagers at an abandoned drive-in movie in some Gulf town like Brownsville. I read it 20 years ago maybe and the image is still on fire, because it was burning with love. Now huffing is the drug of choice for third world kids globally.
These images are a kind of anti-porn. Something perverse in them somewhere outside the frame.
But for people who need reminding, like we all do at times, that the "fall of communism" for which the recently expired Ronald Reagan is so celebrated, has produced a surplus population of blonde-haired blue-eyed children with absolutely no prospects, who live amidst adult desperation and predatory amorality, for whom capitalism and its heroes take absolutely no responsibility even while they claim to have done that which causes them to be so entirely abandoned, here are some relatively cute kids who would probably fellate you for the Russian equivalent of 5 dollars.
And they're there because you and your heroes destroyed the economy they were born into, and then just walked away from the wreckage.
James N. Robison is woefully undersung in contemporary letters. It's obligatory to mention that he is the reason by virtue of matrimony that Mary Robison is thus known, Mary Robison being herself an author of marked and fiercely championed compassion.

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